Competition Travel Tips
10 Tips When Traveling For A Competition
- By Dance Comp Review
It’s time! You’re packed and ready step out of the house and head out to your dance competition. So, let’s make sure you keep these 10 TRAVELING tips in mind, that will save your bacon when going to the airport and up in the air.
1. Check-In Online
With nowadays technology, almost every single Airline has an online check-in option, as well as multi-platform mobile apps. Some of them even remind you that you can check in 24 hours before the boarding time. Needless to say, the apps are usually free to download.
2. Bring an empty bottle
No one ever got stopped with an empty water bottle (metal, glass or plastic). You can always ask to get filled up at the bar, most major airports have water fountains. Not to mention, it’s financially and environmentally friendly.
3. Spread the Cash
Are you keeping all your money in your wallet when you travel? So, what are you gonna do if (Please NOOOO!) it gets stolen? It’s good to keep cash in different areas – the inside of your computer bag, your carry-on luggage. Some people get so creative, they roll their cash-stash into an empty lip balm container. Neat!
4. Wet Wipes
It’s good to have wet wipes with you not just to freshen up your own self, but to disinfect and freshen up the surrounding area of your seat, such as: armrests, tables and a headrest (That's is if the seat is leather, of course)
5. Grab a Jacket
Sometimes a blanket is just too big, and most airlines that fly local don’t even offer blankets on board. A light to medium jacket should serve you well as a back support (when rolled and placed behind your lower back, and as a blankie when you get cold.
6. Bring your favorite Fuzzy Socks
Why sit in your tight shoes when you can sit just like at home – comfy and warm! Oh and, fuzzy warm socks will definitely bring your mood up!
7. Don’t forget your Hat
As we have established, it can get cold on the plane. Bringing in your hat won’t just keep your head warm in cold conditions, but also will create a comforting barrier between your head and the publicly used headrest. Did we mention that your hat could also be used as an eye mask?
8. A Traveling Pillow is your neck savior!
The neck is probably the most fragile part of the body, especially when you decide to take a quick nap on the plane. Since we – the dancers, usually fly to a competition on the budget, and the economy seats are not the most comfortable, it is a good idea to invest in a good traveling pillow. There are numerous brands of traveling pillows out there, but we would definitely recommend the ones that are firm, filled with memory foam, and that can keep supporting your head when you snooze.
9. Come to the departures to grab a cab to your next destination
Sometimes, when a lot of flights come in at the same time, there are not enough taxis to take on the wave from the arriving passengers. But, if you go to the departure area, you will probably get lucky with the incoming flow of departing passengers, and grab a cab from there … line-up free.
10. Use an ATM to get the best rate in the currency you desire
Hopefully, you have notified your credit card company that you will be traveling, because if you didn’t, after a single ATM withdrawal, you will probably have your credit card blocked. When the ATM asks which currency to charge you in – In the Eurozone – Euros. In Sweden, Swedish Krona. In Britain, Pounds. Always, always, always choose to be charged in the local currency of the country you’re in. Don’t let the machine do your currency conversion.
Safe Travels!
10 Tips When PACKING For A Competition
1. Searching for a flight to a competition? Go “Incognito”!
Most travel sites track visits and may increase your price based on search history. So, before searching for plane fares, clear your browser cache or go “Incognito” (Open Private Window)
2. Contact the organizer for a better hotel deal.
It is known that in order for the organizers to run a comp at a hotel, they need to reserve a certain number of rooms. Usually, organizers get a better deal on rooms, so if you are early on reserving, you will get a better deal. Alternatively, you can try contacting the hotel directly. But, if the price still doesn’t meet your budget, you can always contact and stay in the close by hotels.
3. Scan or Take Pictures of your Passport, IDs and Credit Cards that are traveling with you.
You never know what could happen on the road. Having an immediate copy of all of your IDs and CC online is absolutely essential. Regardless of which email hosting you use, there is always an option to create a folder which will contain all necessary emails with personal information. But, if you want to be extra secure, you can always create a DropBox account and leave all the essentials there.
4. Save important destination points with Google's Offline Feature
While connected to WiFi or your internet data, pull up a map of where you’ll need to navigate, and type “OK maps” into the search box. You will have an option to download a saved screen for offline use. You can also drop pins or mark specific places of interest since you won’t be able to search for them offline. For extra security, you can even take several screenshots of specific areas at different zoom lengths. This should help you save tons of time getting around.
5. Use Plastic storage bag to fit your bulky dress
When traveling with a carry on bag, get you bulky ballroom dress to fit by packing it in a vacuum packed plastic storage bag. These are the ones where you suck out air with a vacuum cleaner. If you do not have one on hand, you can sit on the bag to squeeze the air out as much as possible.
6. Take your dance costume, shoes and jewelry in your carry on.
Now that you know how to make your costume “smaller”, be sure to throw it into your carry on bag. The reason is simple: You arrive at a competition, and your airline company had lost your luggage. Well, at least you will have your costume since all other items could be purchased on the spot and you still get to dance.
7. “Bounce” It.
Drop a sheet of Bounce into your bag before packing. You can also throw a few sheets into a ziplock bag to take with you, as you never know how your room is going to smell when you arrive at your hotel.
8. Use a sealable plastic container for your jewelry.
If your dance jewelry did not come in with a special traveling case, you can easily make your own. Almost all supermarkets and variety stores hold a bunch of them in various sizes to choose from. You can also add some plastic foam or bubble wrap to fill up the empty spots, and hold your dance treasures in place.
9. Use an empty TicTac case for your bobby pins and hair clips.
You think you have all your makeup stuff together, but the reality hits when you have to do your hair for the competition and you cannot find tiny necessities like bobby pins and hair clips, and sometimes safety pins.
10. Fold, then Roll Your Clothes
This technique will save you space and keep your clothes wrinkle-free.